Dental implants are an excellent way to replace single or multiple missing teeth. Dental implants are the best replacement option that dentistry has to offer and very closely mimic the form and function of a healthy natural tooth. Contrary to popular belief, having a dental implant placed is a quick and easy procedure that involves a minimal amount of post-operative discomfort.
Implant Process
The process involves a couple of months from start to finish, but is worth the wait. After the initial appointment (implant placement), a small cap will be screwed into the implant. The cap will be either flush with or slightly above or below the gums and will allow for future access to the implant. The implant must then integrate with the bone which can take 3-4 months. However, the tissue will heal around the implant and cap within days at which time the patient will be functioning just as they were prior to implant placement. If the tooth is in the front of the mouth, a temporary tooth will be provided to the patient for the 3-4 month healing process. The patient will then return to the office to begin the final stages of the implant process.